Test your blood for peace of mind

Patent No: 2019024031781

Moderna discloses mRNA shots creating DNA damage, an admission to genetic mutation.

The SV40 sequences are prohibited into humans and during investigation found that the FDA should never have approved the application without their own independent oversight.

The outcome - increased risk of cancer and higher birth defects.

For those on more of a budget- minimal testing for inflammation begins at $34.65 and can give an indication if the blood is urgently needing further investigation

$336 paid directly to the laboratory will show you if your blood has been damaged post Covid experimental mRNA medications

We're here to right their very big wrong


The Spike Protein used in this experimental medication has now been proven in court to have long term negative effects to health. The damage is to the immune system making it much harder to conquer the common cold than it used to be.

Once the Cytokine cells are no longer functioning correctly they are no longer roaming the body searching for pathogens for the immune system to fight and kill.

Reversing the damage is going to take some time but for those who wait for symptoms to manifest and take hold it will be a much longer drawn out and expensive experience than those who catch it early through extensive blood analysis.